Monday, September 21, 2009

Darkest of Days: Killing people in the service of history.

Okay, so, its been a while since I've updated for reasons mostly involving my massive MASSIVE cocaine habit, but now I'm back so lets get too it!


This is a new FPS from some Podunk company called 8 Monkey Labs. Its come outta no where, without much backing in both money and name recognition. Does it hold up to mainstream shooters like Halo or Call of Duty?

Graphically? No.

Sound? No.

Polish? Also no!

However, in terms of originality, story, and gameplay, it blows most FPS on the market outta the water.

The basic idea is that you're Alexander Morris, a poor schmoe who served under General Custer at the illfated Battle of Little Bighorn. Moments before getting your brains bashed in by a POed Native American, a time portal opens and you get yanked into the future, to serve under Kronotek, a company in the future that handles time travel.

Kronotek has one objective: Keep history the way it was.

Unfortunately, someone is going back to fuck things up. So you gotta go in and fix them.

This will take you to the Civil War and to WWI, WWII and other places.

Most missions involve you using period specific weapons, which keeps gameplay shockingly fresh. The difference between , say, a WWII SMG and a musket is huge...and the battlegrounds of WWI requires far different tactics than fighting in the Civil War. And, of course you get to use futuristic guns in the past. Mmm, assault rifle versus muskets. Never gets old.

The story is cheesy and yet engaging, fully occupying my attention as I played, with characters I actually kinda cared about, some surprisingly funny moments (my personal favorite being a madcap ride on a zeppelin), and with an ending that...

Well, okay. The LAST level is pretty goddamn awesome.

But the *ending* is nothing but sequel bait. It sets up a cliffhanger, then ends with you hanging off said cliff.

So, that really pissed me off.

But other than that blemish, Darkest of Days is definitely a game worth picking up!

Highs: New Concept, engaging gameplay, good story
Lows: Mediocre Graphics and sound, cliffhanger ending
Final Line: Sick of blowing up Halo rings? GET THIS GAME

I give it 4 out of 5 Time Bubbles.

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